Tunisia today celebrates the 61st-anniversary Republican regime

On July 25, 1957, the National Constituent Assembly decided the abolition of the monarchy and thus the establishment of the Republic, which Habib Bourguiba will be the president. Until January 26, 2014.

- The Basic Pact of 1857 establishes the equality of Rights and the Qanoun of 1861, the first constitution in the Arab area, the constitution asserts a popular ambition and aroused the nationalist claim, the Dostour of 1920 and the New-Dostour which he succeeded.

- Under the leadership of the leader Habib Bourguiba, the mobilization of the popular components, in the national struggle, established them as political actors. National independence implemented decolonization and ensured the renewal of the political class

- The proclamation of the Republic, in 1957. The subjects of the Bey are now established as citizens. The noble caste of the princely family loses its privileges and joins the "Third State".

- The institution of compulsory schooling establishes the school, the high school, and the faculty. The implementation of social development programs is proof of this desire for global promotion.

Tunisia will have had five presidents: Habib Bourguiba, Zine El Abidine Ben Ali, Foued Mebaza, Moncef Marzouki and Beji Caid Essebsi.


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